Internet Error codes & their meaning...

Now, I am not going to say an trick, but an information, which we came across in our daily internet surf. I am sure, that if you are not a newbie to internet, then you will mostly came across some internet errors saying “Error 404- Not Found” and others.
 What it Means ??? Ok, Now, You Know Error-404 Means “Not Found”. Then, what about 501, 502, 503 …..
 So Here is a list of internet error codes and their meaning for your information.
 Read it And Spread it too…

  •  Error 400 - Bad request.
  •  Error 401 - unauthorized request. 
  •  Error 403 - forbidden.
  •  Error 404 - Not found. 
  •  Error 500 -Internal error. 
  •  Error 501 - Not Implemented 
  •  Error 502 - Bad Gateway 
  •  Error 503 -Service unavailable. 
  •  Error 504 - Gateway Time-Out 
  •  Error 505 - HTTP not supported (HTTP Version) / unknown host/ DNS Look Up Failed 
  • Error 500-599 - Server Errors. 
 So This is only for your information, I will soon come with more tips and tricks which is simple & interesting.
    Stay tunned for more updates....

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